I'm Niall, a software engineer from Dublin. Welcome to my website! Here, you can learn a bit more about me and whatever currently catches my interest.

I share articles and blogs that I find interesting in the links section. These are mostly about software engineering and technology, but you might also find some posts about my other random interests.

Every now and then, I might write up some of my own thoughts and share them in the blog.


I'm an experienced fullstack engineer with a varied background. I've had the chance to work at companies ranging from small Irish startups to large multinational corporations.

I've worked with a bunch of languages like Typescript, C#, Python, Java, Kotlin and with technologies including React, PostgreSQL, Apache Spark and Apache Druid.

I love working on projects that have a tangible impact on people's everyday lives. I'm always on the lookout for new things to learn whether it's tech, software engineering practices and principals, or even just meeting new people.

I'm a big fan of pair programming, CI/CD and making small incremental changes. I believe in keeping code simple and trying to avoid complexity wherever possible. I also believe in making data-driven product decisions by getting small, functional features out to customers early and often.


I have a Master's degree in Computer Science from Trinity College Dublin. My dissertation titled "Using light fields to enable deep monocular depth estimation", along with the accompanying code, can be found on GitHub here.


This website was created using Zola a static site engine and I used the Apollo theme.